Vinca is a genus name given to flowering plants that belong to the family Apocynaceae, native to northwest Africa and Europe and they are at times referred as to periwinkles in English although the name is shared with genus Catharanthus.
This herbaceous or subshrub flowering plant comes in two species, the V. major and V. minor whose main reason for cultivation is ornamental evergreen plants.

Their quick growth makes them an ideal ground cover in garden containers and landscapes but can be it invasive plant. Also, they have some medicinal uses.
Do rabbits like vinca?
No. Rabbits do not love vinca but they will prefer the impatiens, which are a look alike. They are some of the less favored garden and landscape plants you can consider having and they will rarely be damaged by these animals. However, they are not harmful or poisonous to bunnies.
Sometimes, it is possible for these pets to nibble almost any crop, flower or shrub to see if they like it or not. Therefore, you may notice them nibbling this plant leaves or its flowers.
Since they are not plagued by many diseases that affect impatiens and they are drought resistant, vinca is a good option of ornamental plants you should consider planting in your garden.
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