It goes without saying that omega-3-rich fish, like salmon, provide various health benefits for humans. But what about our precious pets? Can fish supplements, like salmon oil, support the health of cats and dogs?
The short answer is yes! Continue reading this article to learn about 10 amazing benefits of salmon oil for pets!
1.Provide Antioxidant Effects

Most fish oils, including salmon oils, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Those fats provide antioxidant effects, which support your pet’s immune system. But what does that buzzword mean?
Antioxidants are substances that remove free radicals, highly reactive molecules naturally formed in the body, to stop potential cell damage.
The problem with those molecules is that they’re unstable. To overcome that, they enter the cells and react with other natural compounds like minerals, proteins, and fats to become stable.
Free radicals can also react with the DNA. As a result, they change the cell structure and destroy it. The worst part is that free radical reactions produce more highly reactive molecules.
So, the cycle of altering cell components continues, eventually causing health issues for your precious pets. That’s when antioxidants, like omega-3s, come in handy. Those fats scavenge the highly active compounds and remove them from the body before they damage the cells.
That said, make sure to choose salmon oil supplements made of premium salmon fish, like Bemix Pets. The former product doesn’t contain unnecessary fillers, which can cause more harm than good to your pets.
2.Have Anti-Inflammatory Actions
Omega-3 also has anti-inflammatory effects. As the name implies, those substances reduce inflammation within the body. While it might sound shocking, inflammation is helpful.
When harmful organisms invade the body, the immune system produces an inflammatory response to fight the foreign microbes. So, it’s a defense mechanism that’s vital to your pet’s health.
The problem is that the immune system can remain overstimulated. In that case, the defense mechanism starts attacking body cells, resulting in chronic inflammation.
Bemix Pets omega-3s inhibit pro-inflammatory chemicals, such as cytokines, keeping the immune system in check.
3.Maintain Healthy Skin and Coat
Feeding your pets salmon oil can aid in fighting skin itchiness thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect. The fatty acids also slow yeast growth, a perk that helps fight yeast dermatitis in pets. That’s especially true for dogs.
Naturally, pet skin contains Malassezia, a beneficial yeast. The problem is that, on some occasions, those organisms can multiply to abnormal levels, leading to yeast dermatitis. Adding fish oil to your pet’s diet can help slow down that process.
What’s more, omega-3s support healthy hair follicles. That can help reduce the amount of shedding and improve your pet’s coat health. Consequently, those fatty acids give your dog or cat lush, shiny hair!
4.Helps With Joint Problems
When thinking about pet joint problems, arthritis pops into the mind. The former disease causes swelling and inflammation in the joints, like the hips, shoulders, and elbows. That’s especially common for aging cats and dogs.
Because arthritis causes pain, you might notice a reduction in your pet’s activity and lameness. The good news is that salmon oil fatty acids can relieve arthritis symptoms. Giving your pets omega-3 fatty acids helps lubricate the joints and reduce inflammation.
5.Supports Cardiovascular Health
As you might have guessed, Bemix Pets’ antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects support cardiovascular health. However, the salmon oil health magic doesn’t stop there.
The fatty acids help reduce heart disease symptoms in dogs. The fatty acid provides anti-arrhythmic effects. That means it prevents abnormal heart rates for pets with heart failure.
Omega-3s also control lean body mass loss, a common symptom in dogs with cardiac diseases. Plus, it regulates blood pressure and myocardial metabolism, which are crucial for energy production.
6.Alleviate Allergy Symptoms
Several factors, like pollen grains, food, insects, dander, and plants, can trigger allergic reactions in cats and dogs. If your pet is allergic, he might start showing symptoms such as:
- Sneezing
- Watery eyes
- Itching and excessive scratches
- Rashes
- Paw chewing
Again, the above symptoms have to do with the immune response. Those allergy triggers are like foreign bodies that stimulate the immune reaction. Salmon oils, like those in Bemix Pets, can alleviate allergy symptoms by controlling inflammatory immune responses.
7.Maintain Proper Vision
Who knew antioxidants could help maintain proper eyesight in pets? That’s especially true for dogs. A study done on beagle puppies indicates that DHA supplements, a type of omega-3, improve retinal function.
Antioxidants also help decrease refractive errors in dogs. For those who don't know, refractive errors happen for several reasons, like a change in corneal shape, a long eyeball, or aging. As a result, the eye fails to focus the light properly, producing vision problems.
Feeding your pets this salmon oil might help reduce those eyesight issues, especially as they age.
8.Promote Brain Development and Cognitive Function
Aside from the eyes, DHA is essential for proper brain development. That’s because it’s vital for cortical glucose uptake and metabolism. It also improves cognitive function, ensuring that your pet remains sharp as they age.
However, that’s not the only benefit of this fish oil. Research shows that omega-3 supplements have positive health effects on canine epilepsy, a neurological disorder that causes seizures. Epilepsy can also cause loss of awareness and abnormal pet behavior.
Antiepileptic drugs are one of the therapies that treat this neurological disorder. The problem is that some dogs are resistant to those medications. Combining antiepileptic drugs with omega-3 supplements reduces seizure symptoms in drug-resistant dogs.
9.Useful for Pet With Kidney Disease
In general, salmon oil's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects support healthy kidneys in pets. However, omega-3 fatty acids alleviate chronic kidney disease symptoms. That’s especially true for felines.
The fatty acids reduce kidney inflammation, slowing the disease’s progression. Not only that, but this fish oil also lowers blood pressure, as mentioned earlier. The former condition can make kidney diseases worse.
What’s more, Bemix Pets provides DHA fats. Those lipids can prevent feline malnutrition, a common symptom for cats with chronic kidney disease.
10.Might Slow Tumor Growth
While the therapeutic effect of fish oil on cancer still needs further research, omega-3 fatty acids generally show promising anti-tumor activity. The former can slow and destroy tumor cells.
When the body’s pH changes to an acidic level due to metabolic product buildup, tumor cells replace glucose with fats to get energy. Interestingly, not all fats work the same. Instead of nourishing tumor cells, DHA fatty acids oxidize inside cancer cells, eventually killing them.
The best part is that tumor cells that utilize fats are typically more aggressive and spread to other organs. So, by destroying those cells, you reduce your pet’s chances of developing tumors.
Our brand recommendation
We recommend Bemix Pets, they provide high quality Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil and they have 5 stars on Amazon.
Click here to check it and get a 22% discount.
As you can see, salmon oil supplements, such as Bemix Pets, provide numerous health benefits. This fish oil can alleviate joint pain, allergies, as well as kidney and heart diseases.
Salmon oil also gives your pet a healthy, shiny coat and promotes brain development. Not to mention, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects might combat tumors.
Whichever health benefits your pets need, adding salmon oil to their diet might help them remain disease-free for a long time!