It is a fact that if properly bonded under supervision as well as introduced to each other at a young age, rabbits and cats can get along together even live or play together.
However, it is worthwhile noting that your feline friend is one of the bunny’s predators, i.e., some of the common rabbit attacks by predators “include attacks by dogs, feral cats, raccoons, and coyotes; and more rarely, owls, hawks, opossums, and weasels.”[1]

Whereas your home pet cat that has been well bonded may not attack your bunny, those wandering in your backyard may do so. These animals are hunters with predatory instincts. Therefore, they not only can attack bunnies but also kill and eat them, especially their kits.
Do cats eat rabbits?
“Cats primarily scavenge for food and eat scraps and refuse—whatever food is easiest and most abundant to find.” [2] Therefore, they will look for easier food to get first.
However, should the easy food sources become scarce, they will begin hunting for birds, rats, cockroaches, mice, grasshopper, as well as any other small animals that might be seeing in their vicinity including bunnies.
Environmental impact reports have indicated that a reduced number of feral cats such as their eradication in areas with wild rabbits always lead to a shoot in wild bun population that has a devastating effect on vegetation.
Therefore, this means that these felines prey on wild rabbits and this will include eating them or their young ones.
Protecting rabbits
It is clear that cats not only kill but also eat bunnies. Therefore, you need to protect these pets, especially baby rabbits. Remember the attacks and killing can happen even when you are trying to introduce or bond these two furry critters.
If you there are feral cats or domestic ones owned by your neighbors, you need to ensure your rabbit hutch does not give them access to your bunnies including in their runs. Otherwise, they will attack and kill them.
Also, if they go to the backyard, you need to supervise them unless it is totally enclosed including from the top to deny these predator's entry or other predators.
In case you these two furry animals, you need to bond them slowly and preferably do it when they are still young. Consider their individual behaviors, needs, and sizes before you begin bonding them.
Also, supervise the bonding session for as long as it may take before you allow them to live together or socialize.
While you may have made efforts to protect your buns from cats, do not forget other predators including pet dogs, foxes, ferrets, weasels, stoats, ferrets, snakes, badgers, prey birds like hawks, falcons, among others as they can attack and kill them.
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