Before we tell you whether pears are safe for your bunnies or not, it is good to look at their benefits and ingredients. This will reveal whether they are healthy or worthwhile giving to your furry friends.

Pears are packed with antioxidants, flavonoids, dietary fibers, vitamins including C, K, B2, B6 as well as minerals including magnesium, iron, calcium. Those with red skin have other nutrients including carotenoids, flavonols, and anthocyanins.
Their benefits include helping in treating diverticulosis, weight loss, reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases, reducing diabetes risk, preventing constipation, fighting free radicals using the various antioxidants they have and so on. They are healthy and have many benefits.
Can I give my bunnies pears?
Yes. Rabbits can eat pears, and they will obtain some of the nutrients we have mentioned. There is a consensus from various sources including,, and other sites. Theses sites have listed them as some of the fruits that rabbits can eat together with cherries, papaya, kiwi fruits, mangoes, oranges, berries, apples, and so on.
However, before giving your bunny a whole pear fruit, you should know the right amounts to provide them with. It is recommended you offer them about a teaspoon per two pounds of their weight occasionally. Once or two times a week is ok. This applies to all fruits. You should not give your bunnies fruits every day.
Fruits have high amounts of sugar, something that your bunny’s digestive system is not designed to handle very well. Expect stomach upsets, diarrhea, gas, bloating and so on should you give them a lot of this fruit.
Also, having a lot of calories, expect you bunny to weight gain and be obese as well as other problems that accompany obesity including a reduce lifespan and inability to groom.
Finally, avoid giving your bunnies cooked fruits as this increases their sugar amounts. Dried pears are safe, but they will have more sugar-like any other dried fruit which we have already said is not healthy. Bunnies depend on low sugar foods.
Can rabbits eat pear’s skin, seeds, leaves, and twigs?
Unlike cherries whose seeds, leaves and twigs are poisonous, rabbits can eat pear’s skin, leaves, twigs, and seeds. They are safe and will not harm your furry friend in any way.
Remember most of the wood and leaves from fruits that have pits that resemble apricot, plums, cherry or peach are not safe. Their wood is only safe when completely dry.
On the other hand, the wood, branches, and leaves of fruit trees that multiple pits including apples, vine, grapes and so on are always safe even if still fresh.
Whereas the seeds of the pear fruit may not be harmful as those of cherries that have cyanide, it is recommended not to give your rabbits any fruits with pits as they may present other health hazards including choking.
Feeding your rabbits with pear fruits
As with any other fresh food, you need to ensure the pears are washed to remove any remnants chemical (pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides). They should be fresh without any parts that are spoilt or grown molds.
Secondly, you need to begin with small amounts and see if they affect your rabbits after 24 hours. You can afterward increase the quantities given to the recommended portions if they do not affect them. Otherwise, revert to their normal recommended diets.
Since fruits are primarily used as treats, besides the nutrients they may have, use them while socializing with your bunnies to grow a bond or when training them such as when you are litter training them.
Their varying texture, taste, and colors will make your furry friend remain enchanted. You can also use them in puzzle toys to sharpen their intelligence.
Do not substitute your bunny’s diet which should be mainly grassy hay and small amounts of rabbit pellets and fresh foods with pears. Give them only as treats occasionally and they will benefit them since their fibers are fermentable.
Finally, keep the total amount of treats you give your rabbits to a maximum of 5% of their daily food requirement. Consider varying fruits with other treats especially the non-leafy greens such as zucchinis, bell peppers, broccoli, celery stalks, and so on.
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