Apricot tree and fruit belong to the Prunus genus which has other stone fruits such as plums, peaches, nectarines, almonds, and cherries. The apricots contain vitamin A, C and phytonutrients make it good for your skin, it has fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, sugars, carbs among other vital nutrients.

Besides working as an antioxidant that protects against free radical damage, it has nutrients to protect your eyesight, inflammation, and reduces risks of cancer.
Can rabbits eat apricots
Yes. Rabbits can eat apricots including the skin of this fruit. They will enjoy eating them. However, like other stone fruits that bunnies can eat, you must remove their pits as they are harmful to rabbits.
Also, like any other fruit that rabbits eat including grapes, mangoes, melons, oranges, grapes, cherries, berries, raisins and so on, you should give them as treats in small quantities. Typically, a teaspoon is enough per two-pound bunny. Again, do not provide them with fruit treats daily.
When introducing apricots to your furry friends for the first time, you need to begin with minimal amounts and see how their tummies are going to react. Also, give it to bunnies which are over 12 weeks.
The fruits should be washed to remove any remnant herbicides, insecticides or pesticides and the seed chopped, i.e., only feed them the fleshy part. It should also be fresh.
Being a treat, you can use it in logic toys to keep your bunny alert, give it to them when you are training them including litter tray training or as a treat to help enhance a social bond between you and your furry friends.
Since apricots have a high amount of sugar and carbohydrates, it is possible for your bunnies to have problems digesting such foods that have a high amount of sugars and starches yet low fibers. Therefore, there is a possibility of stomach upsets including diarrhea, constipation, bloating among others, especially if you give them a lot of such foods.
What about apricot leaves and twigs
Like other fruits in the Prunus genus, their leaves and twigs are poisonous and should not be given to your bunnies. Instead, go for those that have multiple seeds such as grapevines, apples, pears, and so on.
Dried apricots may not be harmful to your furry friends, but since they have even a higher amount of sugar (almost three times compared to fresh ones), they are not recommended. This is the same case with most of the other dried fruits. If you have to give them, then give them minimal amounts.
Being sweet, there is a temptation of giving your bunnies more apricot fruits as they will enjoy them. Desist from this temptation since giving them too many may beside digestion issues cause weight gain and obesity in your rabbits.
Remember to stick to their primary diets where hay should account for over 80% of their daily food requirements with some limited high fiber pellets like Oxbow Animal Health Bunny Basics Essentials Adult Rabbit about 5% and the rest fresh foods.
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