Rabbits are known to be docile, friendly and loving. Although this personality or temperament can slightly vary from one breed to another, it does not vary so much. However, as kits mature, the sexual hormone may trigger undesirable and obnoxious changes which can be controlled by neutering.
Therefore, after rabbit neutering, you should expect some behavioral changes both in males and females. These changes may be noted a few weeks to months after the desexing them since their sexual hormones will gradually decrease.

The commonly noted changes include the following:
Reduced desire to mate
Before neutering, your male rabbit may want to hump or mount other rabbits, pets or even your legs. It will also circle around you, growl, and so on. This habit ceases or greatly reduces after it has been castrated.
On the other hand, a female who initially had the fur pulling or barbering behavior may stop it once they are spayed.
Reduced territorial tendencies – territory marking
Being territorial animals, unaltered rabbits may mark their territory. This is often noted more in males than females. You may note things such as urine spraying and chin objects as well as the scattering of feces. Aggression is expected if anyone goes near their territory.
Females may also be territorial especially during instances of false pregnancies. Desexing both the male and female will reduce the marking tendencies.
Reduced aggression
It is common for intact rabbits to be aggressive and destructive. Once they get neutered, they will be less aggressive (they will hardly bite, lunge, circle or growl). Their chewing and digging behaviors may also reduce.
However, altering may “not completely eliminate aggressive behavior” [1] but reduce it considerably. There are instances where your furry friend will still be aggressive if it feels threatened, being a prey animal.
Females will particularly be aggressive when they have false pregnancies. During this time, they often tend to establish territories as we have already mentioned.
Fighting and aggression may lead to injuries and wound on both the handler as well as
Easier to train
Spaying and neutering make these pets easier to train including training them to use their littering trays, i.e., “males and females are much easier to litter train, and much more reliably trained after they have been altered”[2].
A better companion
Altering house rabbits make them more “calmer, more loving, and dependable” [3]. Expect good quality time and bonding once they have been neutered.
In addition, they will be able to live with other pets and rabbits peacefully and they will not want to escape or refuse to be held.
Neutering and spaying of rabbits have many other benefits besides behavioral changes such as increased lifespan, less reproductive related disease like uterine cancer among others.
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