Raisins refer to dried grapes meant for eating while raw, use in cooking, brewing, and baking. In the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland, raisins refer to large dark-colored grapes that have been dried with sultanas the golden colored ones and currants the small seedless Black Corinth grapes.
Raisins have over 72% sugars by weight, about 3% proteins, and high amounts of some antioxidants. Also, they have vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9, vitamin C, E, K and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese among others.
In humans, some of their main benefits is working as a natural laxative, helps in curing acidity and bloating, anemia, tooth decay, regulates cholesterol, and helps in healthy skin and hair, among many other uses.
With all these benefits, it is perfectly reasonable for one to wonder if they can feed them their rabbits or not since we all know that rabbits can eat grapefruits.
Do bunnies eat raisin?
Yes, rabbits can eat raisins but in minimal quantities, since as we have seen, they contain a lot of sugars which are not recommended for bunnies (not any healthy just as in the case of humans). Feeding them with a lot of these dried grapes may cause not only diarrhea but also other health issues.
Besides digestive issues, since raisins are high calorific foods, expect your bunnies to develop weight issues including obesity should you regularly feed them with a lot of these fruits or any other high calorific food.
Various sources including Furrytips.com, Squeaksandnibbles.com, and Petconsider.com all allow the giving of bunnies some raisins or even the sultanas and currants. However, there is an obvious emphasis on small amounts. Expect digestive problems if your furry friends depend on high sugar, low fiber foods.
According to the Humane Society of the United States, give them “two or three raisins or a comparable amount for other dried fruits.” However, this will still depend on their size as you may need one if it is large and they should strictly be given as occasional treats. Note that dried grapes have a higher sugar than fresh ones per equal serving.
Whereas they are safe, do not forget that rabbits are herbivorous, and they need an unlimited supply of hay, some high fiber pellets, fresh foods especially some leafy greens and occasional treats of fruits and non-leafy vegetables.
Foods with a high amount of fiber such as hay and other grasses will help prevent their teeth from overgrowing as well as improve their gastrointestinal tract health.
The potassium contained in raisins is known to improve cardiovascular health, and it helps in fighting high blood pressure. Like most fruits, they have antioxidants which are very important in fighting damaging free radicals in your bunny’s body.
Note that “free radical activity is believed to contribute to nearly every one of our most-feared chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions,” states Petconsider.com.
Besides the above, your bunnies will also benefit from the various nutrients we have seen. However, do not substitute their healthy diets with these dried grapes since they are not very healthy.
Whereas these dried grapes may not cause any toxicity in your furry friends, they are known to be harmful to cats and dogs.
Being sweet, your bunnies may show craving towards raisins and refuse to eat their regular diet which is mainly hay, some pellets, and greens.
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